Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wait, Let's Think About This Again

Yesterday I talked about how much I enjoy football, right?  But last night, as His Majesty was watching the second game of the Monday Night Football double header, I had some misgivings about my enthusiasm.  Why?  Well, name another sport where a sign of approval and/or friendship is evidenced by smacking the recipient of the emotion upside the head.

Can you imagine that in women's gymnastics? Instead of the obligatory hug between a couple of miniscule 14 year old girls on the same team, they'd smack each other on the side of the head.  Maybe not.

OK, so maybe golf?  Uh, no.  Swimming?  Don't think so. 

I'm afraid to suggest tennis after the drama at the US Open.  I'd rather have Serena yell at me than smack my head.  Just saying.

In basketball the guys do the butt tap, and in volleyball as well - although the women volleyball players usually hug.  Isn't it interesting to see the differences in the genders?  Woman hug, providing encouragement, affection, and congratulations.  Men smack each other - which does what, exactly?

And why is the childhood phrase "boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider" running through my head?  Once again, I enjoy being a girl. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's funny, Kathleen. And so true!

    By the way, I love your new website. I just popped over to check it out, and I'll be putting a link to your blog on mine.

    I'm still hanging on to RIVALS FOR THE CROWN, waiting for that moment when the WIP is done.

    Happy Birthday tomorrow!

